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How to Copy and Paste on Mac with Keyboard and Mouse

How to Copy and Paste on Mac with Keyboard and Mouse 

How to copy and paste on a Mac with both the keyboard and mouse.

Easy Ways to Copy and Paste on Mac: Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts

Learn how to copy and paste on a Mac using simple keyboard and mouse shortcuts that can save you time and effort.


Copying and pasting are essential functions that we use on our computers every day. If you’re a Mac user, you’ll be glad to know that there are quick and easy ways to copy and paste using both your keyboard and mouse. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to copy and paste on a Mac using keyboard and mouse shortcuts.

How to Copy and Paste on a Mac - MacRumors

Copy and Paste on Mac with Keyboard Shortcuts

Here’s how to copy and paste on a Mac using keyboard shortcuts:

Copy Using Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Select the text or item you want to copy.
  2. Press the “Command” + “C” keys simultaneously. The selected text or item will be copied to the clipboard.

Paste Using Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Move your cursor to where you want to paste the copied text or item.
  2. Press the “Command” + “V” keys simultaneously. The copied text or item will be pasted into the new location.

Copy and Paste on Mac with Mouse Shortcuts

Here’s how to copy and paste on a Mac using mouse shortcuts:

Copy Using Mouse Shortcut

  1. Select the text or item you want to copy.
  2. Hold down the “Control” key on your keyboard.
  3. Click on the selected text or item using your mouse or trackpad.
  4. From the context menu that appears, select “Copy.”

Paste Using Mouse Shortcut

  1. Move your cursor to where you want to paste the copied text or item.
  2. Hold down the “Control” key on your keyboard.
  3. Click on the location where you want to paste the copied text or item using your mouse or trackpad.
  4. From the context menu that appears, select “Paste.”

Additional Tips for Copying and Pasting on Mac

Here are some additional tips to make copying and pasting on a Mac even easier:

Use the Universal Clipboard

If you’re using multiple Apple devices, you can use the Universal Clipboard to copy and paste between them. Simply copy an item on one device, and then paste it on another.

Use Third-Party Apps

There are many third-party apps available for Mac that can make copying and pasting even more efficient, such as Alfred, ClipMenu, and CopyClip.

Some frequently asked questions about copy and paste on a Mac with a keyboard and mouse:

  1. How do I copy and paste on a Mac with a keyboard? To copy text, select the text you want to copy and then press Command + C. To paste the copied text, place your cursor where you want the text to appear and press Command + V.
  2. How do I copy and paste on a Mac with a mouse? To copy text, highlight the text you want to copy, then right-click and select “Copy” from the dropdown menu. To paste the copied text, right-click where you want the text to appear and select “Paste” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Can I copy and paste images on a Mac? Yes, you can copy and paste images on a Mac. To copy an image, right-click on it and select “Copy”. To paste the image, place your cursor where you want the image to appear and press Command + V.
  4. Can I copy and paste files on a Mac? Yes, you can copy and paste files on a Mac. To copy a file, click on it and press Command + C. To paste the file, navigate to the location where you want to paste it and press Command + V.


In conclusion, copying and pasting on a Mac is a simple process that can be done using both keyboard and mouse shortcuts. By using these shortcuts, you can save time and effort when moving text and items between different locations. Additionally, the Universal Clipboard and third-party apps can provide even more convenience and efficiency when copying and pasting on your Mac.

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